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What Others Have Said

Dr Robert Wiles – medico and polymath – has achieved something imaginative, unique and profound in this little atom-bomb of a book.

Charles Massy, Fenner School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University

The Mind in the Matrix is an eye-opening analysis challenging antiquated notions relating to the origins of the Cosmos (and life itself), and replaces it with irrefutable data that actually makes scientific sense.

Gary Ezzo, author of Parenting from the Tree of Life

Dr Wiles explains with rare clarity for both the expert and the novice alike how all of our universe is inter-connected and inter-related in a vast complex matrix that not only calls out a master creator bust screams I Am Who I Am.

Dr Kenneth Meyer, Engineering Electrical/Electronics, Canberra Institute of Technology

The Mind in the Matrix


About the Book

Understanding Cosmic complexity and meaning

An information tsunami is drenching the planet with knowledge, revealing greater complexity in life and the Universe than we ever imagined. Information is on our screens, across the internet, in our DNA, travelling through the air waves and everywhere in the world around us. But we only recently started to understand its vital significance.

The Mind in the Matrix investigates the information that flows under and through the entire Cosmos, examining what makes it meaningful.
The developed world is in the midst of an anxiety epidemic, especially among young people. With more leisure time to ponder our existence and more choices than ever before, uncertainty has increased. People are searching for meaning but they’re bamboozled by the flood of information surrounding them.

Although meaning depends on information, it isn’t derived from the microscopic machines that sustain life inside every cell, nor the laws of the Universe that permit life to flourish but it requires a mind that is self-aware.
The Mind in the Matrix shows that an intelligent mind is required to both create meaningful information and to interpret it.

In this book we explore the information needed to create the first cell and the unexpected way that mathematics exquisitely describes our universe.
We discover that:

  1. The Cosmos is full of meaningful information (universal laws and life)
  2. Meaningful information requires an intelligent author
  3. The Laws of the Universe and the first cell must have been created by an intelligent mind at, or before their initial formation.

Information is still a mystery, yet science demonstrates that digital information underpins our entire universe. This book explains how the Cosmos emerged from information that has meaning, and cones to the unavoidable conclusion: there is a Mind in the Matrix.

What Others Have Said

Dr Robert Wiles – medico and polymath – has achieved something imaginative, unique and profound in this little atom-bomb of a book.

Charles Massy, Fenner School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University

The Mind in the Matrix is an eye-opening analysis challenging antiquated notions relating to the origins of the Cosmos (and life itself), and replaces it with irrefutable data that actually makes scientific sense.

Gary Ezzo, author of Parenting from the Tree of Life

Dr Wiles explains with rare clarity for both the expert and the novice alike how all of our universe is inter-connected and inter-related in a vast complex matrix that not only calls out a master creator bust screams I Am Who I Am.

Dr Kenneth Meyer, Engineering Electrical/Electronics, Canberra Institute of Technology